Septic Systems-Septic Code NJAC 7:9A 2012 Changes in NJ

Septic code changes for Onsite Wastewater Disposal Systems (commonly referred to as “onsite or “septic” systems) will be in effect April 2nd, 2012. This ruling from the NJDEP allows changes to the current N.J.A.C. 7:9A (aka Chapter 199) rule in regards to Septic Systems. We at A-Norton Septic Contracting have been implementing these new changes already on the Septic Systems we have installed, repaired and maintained for the past several years. As a full Septic System service company we have the most up to date knowledge & expertise on Septic Systems in New Jersey. We know septic! So consult with us on any questions you may have regarding Septic Systems and the New changes that will be in effect for New Jerseys’ property owners with Septic Systems.

Contact us @ 888-355-0808 or 732-360-0808  E-mail us


Bureau of Nonpoint Pollution Control


Requirements for Authorized Installers Take Effect January 1, 2013


On March 7, 2011, the Department published proposed requirements for “authorized installers” that require all installers of products that are not traditional “stone and pipe” systems, including gravel alternative products (including chambers), advanced wastewater pretreatment units (including aerobic treatment units) and drip dispersal systems to have an authorization from the manufacturer of those products, but also a credential from the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA).  NEHA’s Certified Onsite Installer of Wastewater Treatment Systems (CIOWTS) at the advanced level would have been required by January 1, 2012 according to that proposal.  While the Department did not receive any comments requesting an extension, the decision was made to extend that deadline to January 1, 2013 to help the installers deal with the new requirement.  However, based upon the NEHA website, few installers have taken the opportunity to obtain this credential.

Any installation of these system components as of January 1, 2013 must be performed by or under the direct supervision of an authorized installer.  Health Departments must verify that an authorized installer is present.  This can be done during physical inspection of those system components and personally verifying credentials at the site or by obtaining copies of the credentials of the authorized installer.  For those agencies that require a New Jersey Licensed Professional Engineer to certify system installations prior to the issuance of a certificate of compliance pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:9A-3.13(a), those certifications must include verification of the authorized installer’s credentials and their oversight of the installation of the applicable components.  Since it would be unfortunate to start an installation, to only halt that installation in process because the installer is not properly credentialed, the Department suggests health departments consider a safeguard.  This could include, for example, a condition on design approvals to require a copy of the authorized installer’s credentials be provided prior to commencing with the installation of any part of the system.


For more information on the NEHA credential, please visit



May 29, 2012
Bureau of Nonpoint Pollution Control

Realtors: NJDEP is hosting its first Webinar for Realtors on 6-7-2012 for the N.J.A.C 7:9A Septic System rules. This webinar will focus only on issues as they relate to the real estate community. Click here for this information


March 15, 2012 Bureau of Nonpoint Pollution Control

Amendments to N.J.A.C. 7:9A regarding cesspools – an update

March 29, 2012  Bureau of Nonpoint Pollution Control

Onsite Wastewater Management Program

New – Amendments to the Standards for Individual Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems (N.J.A.C. 7:9A) have been adopted and will appear in the April 2, 2012 New Jersey Register.

The Onsite Wastewater Management Program maintains the regulations governing low volume residential and commercial onsite wastewater treatment systems, commonly called septic systems. These regulations, the Standards for Individual Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems (N.J.A.C. 7:9A) contain requirements for the proper design, construction, and operation of systems to protect public health and the environment. This program is coodinated with, and implemented though, the local health departments. The program is committed to improving New Jersey’s water quality and protecting human health and the environment and both improving and promoting local septic management.  New information from the NJDEP can be view here regarding septic systems.  Have a question? Need to see the NJDEP Department’s position on an issue? Check out our FAQ!

Rule Amendment Highlights  NJAC 7:9A 2012 Individual Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems aka Septic Systems